Water from condensed air – Air Water Pty Ltd' Air Water Machines
Similar to "Whisson's Windmill" the Air Water Machines also harvest water from air by using a condensation method. An example of the principle is the water you see on the ground under your car's air-conditioner, or the water in the bottom of your fridge: water from air!
These machines "pull air over a condenser, chill it and harvest the resulting water." Simple! Why did I not think of that!
This company's "Lifesaver" machine is the world’s first unique PV Solar Powered system that stands alone, in any place, 24/7, while producing huge amounts of water. The Lifesaver can provide water and power independence practically anywhere.
It produces 500 litres of water in 24 hours. It needs input power of 8.8KW and consumes 0.4kwH per litre of water produced.
It sells many different types of water from air harvesters, ranging from domestic use to that of a village!
The "Villager" produces 1000 litres per day (264 gallons) and the "Irrigator" an impressive 5000 litres (1321 gallons). At an estimated AUS 3c cents per litre this is still costly if using a diesel generator. But with wind or solar...
Air Water Pty Ltd link: http://www.airwater.com.au/p1.htm
International Water From Air LLC. link: http://www.internationalwaterfromair.com/
Apparently there are several companies who make this machine.
Just do not stand too close and too long by that machine. You might get suffocated. :-)
The link attached to the title is about couple different methods of how to create water from air.